Cultivation of Moso Bamboo Seedlings

The use of Moso bamboo seedling seedlings to build mother bamboo nurseries and cultivate bamboo seedlings for afforestation has the advantages of high survival rate, rapid forestation, early production and low cost. At the same time, it is possible to take seedlings for a long time at the first time, which is the most solution to the development of Moso bamboo seedlings. Good way. The following describes the nursery and management techniques: First, Jianpu technical nursery is suitable for gentle sloping fields. The soil is deep in soil, fertile and moist, loose in texture, full of water and not water, acidic, neutral loam, light sticky loam. It is appropriate. Fine soil preparation fertilization, ditching to do sorghum. Seeding in the fall or early spring, using hole sowing, hole distance 2025 cm, hole depth 1.5 to 2 cm, 10 seeds per hole, 1.5 kg per mu. Cover the straw after sowing and water to keep the soil moist. After the emergence, it covers an awning with a light transmittance of 30% and strengthens the water and fertilizer management. It can produce around 8000 bundles per acre. In the early spring, the seedlings are planted and the seedlings cluster must be dug up, 3 to 5 plants are 1 small clump, 1/3 to 1/2 of the leaves are cut, 1 small clump is planted per hole, and the depth of the soil is 3 cm higher than that of the tiller. Appropriately, the roots should be stretched, the shoots must be straightened, and the soil should be stepped on after planting. Second, management measures 1. Fertilization Every year after taking seedlings, use a mixture of manure, earth miscellaneous fertilizer, woodland humus, etc. to fill the holes after digging, in order to supplement the nursery soil and nutrients. After spring bamboo shoots are unearthed, human feces and appropriate amount of superphosphate and compound fertilizer should be applied to promote the growth of bamboo shoots and bamboo shoots. 2. Weeding and weeding are conducted once each year in the summer and autumn. Before the bamboo seedlings are closed, they must cover the roots of the seedlings to prevent sunburn and protect the drought. 3. Drainage and irrigation of bamboo are both wet and fearful. Therefore, the rainy season must exclude the accumulation of water in the garden and timely irrigation in the dry season. 4. Adjust the seedling diameter to 1 to 3 cm. If the diameter of seedlings is too small, the amount of seedlings can be increased to facilitate the increase of seedling diameter. If the diameter of seedlings is too large, the amount of seedlings can be reduced to promote the reduction of seedling diameter. 5. Adjust the density of shoots out of dense, can be appropriate artificially withdraw bamboo shoots to reduce the density of emergence. Seedlings that have grown too thin, take supplements, bury whips, fertilize and other measures to increase density. The general reasonable density is 10 to 12 plants per square meter, and about 6000 plants are taken per year per mu.

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