The closed soil treatment agent butachlor and the mixture with oxadiazon in direct seeding ric

Under normal circumstances, there are three ways of storing chemical fertilizers: warehous

Many flowering enthusiasts like to plant some flowers and trees, such as rubber tree and jelly

1, gilts must be from litter size, nurturing rate, weaning sows with higher litter weight,


After early weaning of piglets, due to the interruption of lactic ac

Spraying herbicides on farmland is generally not suitable for mist sprayers. The use of oxazol

Poisonous and harmful gases, dust, and pathogenic microorganisms produced in farms are release

In the near future, most drug dealers have taken a wait-and-

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The business club reported on July 22 that "the price h

Human Sta

Blackberry can be cut by cutting, layering, splitting, tissue culture and READ MORE...

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