The use of pesticides to control plant pests and weeds has a significant and rapid effect

Growth habits:

Hi warm and humid climate, well-drained and fertile sandy loam and

Most of the vegetables that need to be supplemented with calcium s

Tenebrio, also known as yellow powder, is also known as breadworm bec

In the production practice, the author used Chinese and Western medicines to treat boars with

The overall strategy for breeding pigs in China is to make full use of the existing excell

The herb is a one-year or two-year herbaceous plant with a plant height of about 1 meter.

Peanuts are "his oysters, afraid of heavy scorpions." Rotation is a key measure for

First, variety selection Weeping onion anniversary cultivation to choose cold-resistant, d

Jinbao chicken and duck fermentation bed advantages Jinbao chicken

First, the morphological characteristics of the fruiting bodies, cap diameter 2 to 15 cm,

Cold spring cold and late spring frost are two kinds: Low temperature cold injury mainly occur

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