
Name: 蟾 酥类 Category: Foreign Drugs Pinyin: CHAN SU
Latin: Venenum Bufonis
Alias: 蟾蜍 脂 脂, 蛤蟆 药 药 药 药 药 药 : : : : : : : : : : : : 药 药 药 药 药 药 药Sepia or reddish brown. The masses are massive and hard to break. The cross section is tan, keratinous and slightly shiny. The flaky masses are brittle, brittle, reddish-brown and translucent. Slightly irritating, smelling sweet and then lasting spicy, powder smelling.
Cultivation points:
Origin: distributed throughout the country harvest processing: more than in the summer and autumn catch crickets. Wash and squeeze the white slurry from the glands and skin glands of the ear, process, and dry.
The history of the tunnel:
Tropism of taste: warm; Xin; return to the heart by; toxic Indications: detoxification, pain, Kai Xin Xing Xing. For acne, sore throat, heat stroke, fainting, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.
Dosage: topical: amount, Yanmo dressing or plaster mixed with the affected area. Oral: 0.015 ~ 0.03g, use more pills.
Taboo: pregnant women with caution. Use caution when using it for external use.

Lactic Acid 80%

Lactic Acid 80%,Food Grade Lactic Acid 80%,80% Liquid Lactic Acid,High Quality Lactic Acid 80%