Fertilizing method for vegetable field soil

First, increasing fertilization and improving soil and adding a large amount of fully decomposed organic fertilizers, supplemented by chemical fertilizers, can not only improve the structure of the soil pellets, but also make it possible to make the nitrogen in organic fertilizers in the form of ammonium nitrogen, through microbial activity and decomposition. The nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen are decomposed sequentially, so that microorganisms in the soil can absorb inorganic nitrogen and synthesize proteins. When the protein synthesized by microorganisms is decomposed, the nitrate nitrogen produced can be used as nutrients for vegetable absorption and utilization.

Second, due to the new vegetable reform vegetable fields, the first to grow the requirements of water and fertilizer conditions are relatively low vegetables, such as peas, mustard, onions and so on. After cultivating 1-2 蔬菜 vegetables with lower water and fertilizer requirements, the vegetables with higher water and fertilizer requirements, such as Chinese cabbage, tomato and cucumber, will be planted after the maturity of the soil is improved and the soil is blended.

Third, the rational rotation of the correct crop rotation not only can make the soil nutrients, water, a reasonable use, give full play to the biological soil, fertilization and increase production of good effect, but also can reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases, promote high quality and high yield vegetables. In areas with conditions, food, food, and crop rotations can be implemented to improve the ecological conditions of the vegetable fields.

Fourth, formula fertilization In the vegetable field application of chemical fertilizer, pay attention to the reasonable mix of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, to avoid the single nitrogen fertilizer, so as not to affect the good growth of vegetables, so that the harmful salts in vegetables increased.

5. In areas where the green manure is suitable, vegetables can be grown in the vegetable field and green manure can be used in the short term. This will not only help improve the soil fertility, but also realize the organic combination of the land and the land.

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Rushan Jinguo Food Co., Ltd , https://www.jinguofood.cn