Seasonal Spinach Planting Techniques

Sowing date and species of autumn spinach: sown from August to September, 30-40 days after sowing can be harvested in batches. Should choose more heat-resistant, fast-growing early maturing varieties. Overwintering spinach: sowing from mid-October to early November, harvesting in batches before and after the Spring Festival, the medium and late-maturing varieties that are strong in winter, late in bolting and strong in cold resistance should be selected. Spring spinach: The temperature can be started when the temperature rises after spring, and the appropriate period for sowing is March. After harvesting 30-50 days after sowing, the varieties should be selected for late sowing and leaf hypertrophy. Summer spinach: sowing in stages from May to July, harvesting from late June to mid-September, and varieties with strong heat-resistance, rapid growth, and not easy convulsions should be selected. Soil preparation and soil preparations have the advantages of loose fertility, water retention and fertility, good drainage and irrigation conditions, and slightly acidic soil. During the site preparation, Mushi applied 40 kg of calcium phosphate to make it smooth and fine. In winter and spring, it should be used as a sorghum, and summer and autumn should be used as flat rakes, and the width should be 1.2-1.5 meters. Seeding seedlings generally use sowing. In the summer and autumn, the seeds were soaked in water for 12 hours before sowing, and then they were soaked in the well or in a refrigerator for 24 hours, then germinated and sowed after 3-5 days of budding. Winter or spring can broadcast dry seeds or wet seeds. Acres 3-3.5 kg sowing. After planting water, plant the surface water, sow the soil with the gingivae, so that the seeds are sown in the soil, and a layer of plant ash is added to the surface. After summer and autumn sowing, it is necessary to cover with straw or use a small arch to cover the shade net to prevent high temperatures and heavy rain from scouring. The soil is often kept moist, 6-7 days can be seedlings, winter sowing temperature is low, then cover plastic film or shading net insulation to promote seedling emergence after the emergence of removal. In the field management, the leaves of the autumn spinach were poured with pure water for 1 time; 2 true leaves were combined with thinning and weeding, and the topdressing fertilizer was first diluted and then concentrated. After sowing, the soil in the winter spinach was kept moist, and water and fertilizer were applied according to the seedling conditions and the weather. Frost and snow and ice weather should be covered with plastic film and shade net insulation, can also be covered with a small arch. After the spring, sunny weather was selected to chase the decomposed, faecal water in a timely manner to prevent early deflation. In the early period of spring spinach, it is necessary to cover the plastic film insulation, which can be directly covered on the surface of the plant. After emergence, the film is removed or replaced by a small shed. The small arch sheds cover the night cover and the clear rain cover makes the seedlings more visible. Follow-up fertilization water, in the early stage of the transformation of human faecal light, hard-working facilities, especially in the early 15 days before harvest to apply nitrogen available fertilizer. After the emergence of summer spinach, it is still necessary to cover the shade net, cover the shade with clear cover, and cover it as early as possible to facilitate cooling and heat preservation. Watering at the seedling stage should be performed in the morning or in the evening.

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