Technical points of flower cuttings

First, it is better to take branches and sticks in the morning in the morning. The morning flowers and trees were adjusted and absorbed overnight, and their branches contained sufficient moisture. After the branches were cut, the wounds were easily healed, and the survival rate was higher than that of the branches taken at other times of the day. Second, after flowering branches and flowers, the flowering branches have the highest nutrient content, and they are thicker and fuller, and the roots and leaves are faster after cuttings. Third, the use of prime sand due to the rapid penetration of sand, good ventilation, rot-free metamorphism, not only is not easy to water, but also to prevent bacterial infection caused by cuttings rot, which will help cut wound healing, early sprouting new roots. Fourth, shear must be smooth when cutting branches, we must use a knife to cut, try not to cut the cut. Otherwise, it is not only unfavorable for the shear to heal, but also because the cut can not heal and rot, resulting in cutting failure. Fifth, the depth should be moderate when the cuttings in the cuttings, at least to insert basin soil 1/3 - 1/2 (referring to the length of cuttings), cuttings are too easy to lose water, difficult to root; too deep can cause skin rot black, can not survive. Sixth, basin soil should not be too wet and flowerwood cuttings, as long as the soil is kept moist. To take a bit dry as well, it is best to avoid long-term accumulation of water. Just keep the cuttings on the soil without losing water. Always use fine-hole watering cans to spray on and around the branches to maintain air humidity and soil permeability so that cuttings can germinate as quickly as possible. Seven, should not be too early to see the glare of some flowers and trees soon after the budding long leaves. However, at this time, the cuttings have not yet taken root or have only a few tender roots, so they should not be allowed to expose to the sun prematurely. Gradually they should be allowed to receive scattered light first. After the gradual increase of new roots, slowly accept normal light. Eight, fertilization should not be premature after the cutting seedlings, its roots are still more delicate and fragile, such as premature fertilization, the new seedlings can not only not be absorbed, will not burn new roots, so that the survival of flowering seedlings died of burning roots , resulting in the evil results of the previous work.

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