10 kinds of snacks easily detoxification anti-autumn

Cut the apples and yam into small pieces, mix them in a juicer, stir them into juice, and finally season them with honey. Snack mouth food: the yam crushed into powder, into the pot and steamed cooked sugar notes transferred to children, the yam trap and glutinous rice flour made of glutinous rice balls. In life, we often eat foods that are easy to get angry. For example, stomach fire can have stomachache, dry stool, bad breath and other symptoms. Below to introduce you to 10 kinds of snacks!

Lotus seeds

Lotus seeds prolong life

Failure Keywords: Uneasy

The longevity of lotus seeds is very long. Many ancient herbal works believe that lotus seeds can prolong life. "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" lists lotus seeds as the top grade, which can support the destiny. The role of lotus seeds kidney, spleen, Yang Xin, soothe the nerves, anti-aging. Lotus seeds with white peony root, yam yam, glutinous rice, chenshu rice, white sugar, steamed into cake. Taking daily food is the best for longevity.

Xiaozuzui: Buy some lotus cakes, lotus paste sandwich cakes, lotus root moon cakes and fresh milk coconut silk lotus cakes at the dim sum shop.

Powerful tonic: steamed steamed buns with lotus seeds, and eat it as a cute clam head.


One hundred rational stomach and spleen

Key words: slight dry cough

“The spring roll curtains are long and long, and the pond is beautiful.” This is the beauty of lily blossoms. "More gas from the lily, the old man is still 70 innocence." This is to say that Lily's health effects on people. Chinese medicine believes that the lily is sweet, slightly bitter and slightly cold. Into the heart, lung two classics, for the Qingbu products. With Yangyin lungs, soothe the nerves, antipyretic diuretic, cough and asthma, stomach and spleen effect.

New Energy

Lithium hexafluorophosphate is one of the most used electrolyte salt in the production of lithium ion batteries. Electrolyte Lithium Hexafluorophosphate for Lithium-ion Batteries has the ability of dissolving in binary and ternary solvents which cyclic carbonates and linear carbonates can be given as example. After lithium hexafluorophosphate dissolves in these solvents, it shows high electrolytic conductivity and thermal stability which is a desired property for lithium ion batteries.

The main use of LiPF6 is in commercial secondary batteries, an application that exploits its high solubility in non aqueous, polar solvents. Specifically, solutions of lithium hexafluorophosphate in carbonate blends of ethylene carbonate, dimethyl carbonate, diethyl carbonate and/or ethyl methyl carbonate, with a small amount of one or many additives such as fluoroethylene carbonate and vinylene carbonate, serve as state-of-the-art electrolytes in lithium-ion batteries.[6][7] This application also exploits the inertness of the hexafluorophosphate anion toward strong reducing agents, such as lithium metal.

Lithium Hexafluorophosphate,LiPF6,Hexafluoro-phosphate

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